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Decouple your tech stack and turn it into a cloud-native, fast, agile, development machine

What Are Microservices?

Microservices are modern, modular and composable “services” that are independently developed, deployed, and managed. Microservices can be combined to create functionality that allows retailers to quickly deliver new features to meet customer demands and create greater efficiencies for better profitability.​

  • Transform legacy systems into modern cloud-native, scalable workhorses​
  • Nimble updates lead to cost savings and new growth
Why microservices 1

Innovate Faster to Meet Customer Demand

By decoupling complicated application elements, microservices help retailers to react faster to market demands and scale as needed.

  • Specialized teams can develop multiple services concurrently
  • Applications are much easier to scale, update and enhance without downtime
  • Components can be developed in different programming languages
  • Development can be ongoing and seamless

Gain More Control and More Efficiencies

Offer new capabilities, add-ons, and extensions without requiring new systems.

  • Near zero downtime for vital customer-facing and internal applications
  • Loose coupling that allows code to be constantly refined over time
  • Quick implementation of new features without affecting adjacent functions
  • Independent features that make identifying bugs easier
Microservices 3

Get Your Free Value Assessment Today

This six-hour workshop will identify the value Nextuple can bring to your organization. We’ll engage key business leaders, IT and operational executives in a collaborative discovery process to uncover improvements in revenue, efficiency and customer experience. Within 2 weeks of the workshop, we'll provide the documented business case and roadmap to maximize your business potential.

Success Stories
With our Nextuple Order Management Studio, Modular Solutions, domain expertise, Strategy Consulting and Expert Services, clients can be confident we will design, build and implement any combination of capabilities to create your winning "secret sauce".
From OMNI channel promotional pricing, to vendor fulfillment management and all things in between, we've crafted custom solutions for leading grocers and retailers.