The Case for Smarter Promising
While aggressive and accurate estimated delivery dates (EDDs) are a top priority for today’s retailers seeking to boost customer experience and conversions, many have not prioritized it. This hesitation stems from two main concerns: the cost of central fulfillment and the complexities of leveraging stores, including labor constraints, picking efficiency, and potential order splits. Additionally, some retailers lack the robust analytics needed to create and monitor promise execution.
Retailers know that providing an EDD has become an expectation—the question becomes how aggressive it should be and at what cost?
Buy Online, Pick Up In-Store (BOPIS) was originally created as a speed “solve” when shipping promises were typically 5-8 days. It also helped drive retail traffic by showing inventory availability. This was the answer to Amazon in the early days. “You have Prime, we have BOPIS.”
But as online shopping continued to grow in overall % of retail and Amazon expanded to nearly 50% of all eCommerce volume, some omnichannel retailers started playing the speed game with Amazon. This is seen in the overall delivery speeds across the industry dropping in just the last year from 5.6 to 4.4 days .
Today’s promising strategies are a mixed bag. Some retailers avoid making a fast promise. Others pad their estimates to protect for the lack of precise visibility and the dials to set it. Some try to make a fast promise but suffer for it on the cost side. Then there are the lucky few with the product margins high enough to not care.
The cost components are not just speed related but also driven from order splits that spike when stores are leveraged to achieve that speed. We’ve also seen for years retailers take brute force methods to stop unprofitable orders. Some retailers resort to restrictive measures like shutting down online sales for certain items (SKUs), limiting nodes that can ship the items, and setting quantity limits to avoid order splits.
But every single order is different. These methods don’t respect the nuances. To make matters worse, these methods may also influence offline sales negatively.
Today’s promise engines have gotten smarter, crunching data on transit time, carrier rates, and inventory location to make accurate and faster shipping promises. All of this data unlocks a new level of control. Imagine a promise engine that can dynamically adjust shipping costs, strategically slow down a promise when necessary, or even recommend not making one at all.
This nuanced approach allows you to solve multiple goals simultaneously, ultimately impacting your bottom line.
- I want delivery speed and certainty to drive incremental conversion without killing my profitability.
- I want my website to support my online AND offline channel sales goals. A fast promise is not always the right promise.
- I want to reduce my exposure to splits.
This could be the case for change for the many retailers who have yet to prioritize promising because of the cost and complexity of executing a fast and accurate promise. The great irony is that a promise engine has the capacity to mitigate the very reason retailers are leery of investing in one in the first place.
The Case for Smarter Promising
But likely this mitigation is not enough to cause retailers to take the plunge. The other real barrier lies in setting up achievable promises. This requires deep analysis of several factors, including:
Fulfillment Network Variables
- Node Processing Times & Cutoffs (Stores and FCs)
- Node Capacity and Availability.
- Item Eligibility, Exceptions
- Inventory
- Node / Carrier Eligibility
- Transit Days
- Operating Calendars
- Static Cut-Offs & Buffers
- Time of week, time of day historical order performance of nodes to include stores, FC’s and drop ship vendors
It’s also important to consider if you are actively managing these attributes to ensure they are accurate. For example, if you want to make promises with improved capacity data but no one is ensuring that data is being maintained then you’ll want to consider how you solve for that or if that feature is really required.
Carrier Network Variables
Your carrier network is where you will likely need to spend the most analysis in your evaluation.
Today, promise engines come with an EDD calculation and carrier rate shopping to improve the cost-to-execute. You can use your own carrier rate card or with some providers leverage their contracts with multiple carriers. Whether you are rate shopping or not, there are several factors that need to be considered.
- Do you have access to accurate rate data to inform your promising decisions?
- If you are considering multiple carriers, are your nodes set up (including stores) to deal with multiple carriers?
- Are you in a position to model the full impact of volume discounts, surcharges and rates to ensure moving to multiple carriers is right for you?
- Do you have performance data on all the origin and destination zips specific to your accounts?
Of course, once all this has been done and outputs configured into a promise engine you’ve now set yourself up for the ongoing performance management of these attributes. Got a struggling Drop Ship vendor? How fast will you find it and how fast will get you the updated expectation to the website?
Promise Engines in the Market Today
Promise engines of legacy providers focus solely on speed and certainty. But a more intelligent promise can help a retailer with demand shaping and split reduction. The current approach is to offer solutions that create an accurate promise through a mixture of better visibility to carrier transit data and shipping node estimation. From there, speed can be added through a number of strategies on the carrier and network side. Each of these has challenges.

Network speed likely comes from increased use of stores or in general, more local inventory positioning. Parcel carrier changes and rate shopping are the other levers which are not easy to make for a variety of reasons outlined well here. Once some combination of these levers is chosen, a promise and sourcing engine tries to make this improved promise as profitable as it can be. This is the general toolkit and progression a retailer would take in a promising journey.
However, this approach overlooks the fact that omnichannel retailers have two sales goals with the website. One is to satisfy online shoppers. The other is to drive store traffic through inventory visibility and BOPIS. We see this playing out somewhat in the relative strength of BOPIS continuing as a fulfillment preference of 22% of shoppers. But offering fast, free shipping is clearly at odds with this goal.
With online research becoming the norm, store availability and delivery speed are rapidly climbing the ladder of purchase decision factors. Upwards of 81% of retail sales are influenced by digital or are executed there. An in-stock button and fast or slow delivery promise are directly tied to store traffic. In many cases a slow delivery promise is actually an outcome retailers are seeking to drive that store traffic (and additional add-on purchases) where they know the item is not widely available on other sites or sitting in a non-competitive category.
Promising engines today allow you to compute an accurate EDD and give you the ability to speed the promise up or down. They may also allow you to configure a variety of speeds (slow promise in one category, fast promise in another) and locations of that promise (PDP, cart, etc.) but they don’t provide any insights on when/where to do this. Nor do they provide the ability to dynamically change as business conditions change such as product pricing, inventory velocity and conversion rate sensitivity to the promise. Furthermore, the analysis, dials and ongoing maintenance to set these promises is significant.
And perhaps even more compelling, if all this network data is available further up in the shopping journey - why can’t it be repurposed to limit the damage of unprofitable orders?
The Multi-Line Basket
Take this example:A consumer adds four different items to their cart. Using a smarter promising engine, the retailer has enough data to know this order is going to be shipped from three different nodes. The dreaded split. It also knows the shipping costs will exceed profitability. In today’s world, that order is taken, and the damage is done. But should it?
Many retailers reading this are likely gasping aloud - why on earth would I stop someone from buying 4 items from me because of my inability to get the inventory in the right location? But retailers have been influencing buying behavior since retail began. Sure, most of that is through sales, free shipping thresholds and other levers like financing.
Poor inventory management can lead to markdowns. To save on fulfillment costs, some retailers might force you into store pick-up, or apply surprise shipping charges based on your basket size, ultimately shifting the burden of their inefficiencies onto the customer.

All these approaches are static item-based rules. What if these decisions could be made in real time by looking at:
- Actual inventory positions
- How many nodes are required to ship it
- Who the customer is and where they are
- Is the inventory constrained
- What is the margin on this item
- What my sales goals are in both channels for this item
- What is the historical shipping performance from these nodes
With this data the result could look very different. All of these could be possible outcomes.
- A slower delivery promise informed by future inventory coming to a node to eliminate the split
- A shipping charge on the order informed by splits, not just items
- An incentive to do BOPIS on the order
- The customer is part of your loyalty program and you promote the fact they’ve avoided any extra shipping charges
- The margins support the splits, take the order as is but tag these decisions so can go back and analyze the impact
- You decide not to take the order (This would likely be some combination of high quantities and items)
The reality is that we’ve made great progress in delivering more accurate fulfillment data into the purchase making process. But we’re not using it to its full advantage.
- It’s easier said than done.
My Sourcing Engine Did What?
Getting the promise optimized is only half the battle. If not fully integrated, sourcing decisions may differ from promising decisions so there is comprised control of the expected cost of making a certain promise. To complicate matters, sourcing decisions themselves have grown very complicated and the business teams do not fully understand the right configuration in sourcing to drive the outcomes they are seeking.
This is in part due to the amount of controls available in promising and sourcing which have grown considerably in the past few years.
Fulfillment methods are growing such as same day, and local next day.
Regional and GIG carrier entrants are making the carrier transit tables and cost data more complex.
In 2022 all 3 major carriers saw share decreases while “other” parcel carriers increased by 25% YOY.
Carrier pricing is becoming increasingly dynamic with surcharges, min volume commitments, etc.
Ship from store growth has created node complexity.
Target recently reported 95% of all digital orders being fulfilled from stores.
As a result of the above - multiple shipping cutoffs across different carriers and nodes makes promising more complex.
With the labor shortage in retail - Capacity constraints need to be considered more carefully than before.
Retailers implementing new store formats focused on Omnichannel fulfillment vs traditional retail that create process time, carrier, and capacity variation.
2020 to 2021 saw an increase in vacant retail space of 20 million square feet at major malls.
Retailers using inventory velocity to drive node selection which can be highly complex.
A retailer now has multiple options on creating a promise for a specific SKU at a specific time of time for a given customer zip code. And then the sourcing system has its own set of dials to optimize against this promise.
The dials are plentiful but how to set them optimally in relation to each other and where it makes sense to move them up or down takes considerable analysis. eCommerce merchant teams spend considerable time analyzing free shipping thresholds, promotions, pricing and markdowns. The rise of the EDD has added more complexity to the profitably analysis which is an untapped area. Consider the following example:

Omnichannel Impacts of Promising
What typically happens in this scenario is that more inventory is allocated to the online channel further starving store availability over time creating a compounding effect on store traffic for these items. (Assuming the retailer is showing store availability on the website)
More products are made available online and sales continue to increase online. The online team is happy with sales and pats themselves on the back for a good product launch and having a fast EDD that contributed to it.

With the appropriate tools and visibility, another version of this could have played out. Upon seeing the online sales performance vs offline, instead of allocating more inventory to the online channel the merchants could have slowed down the delivery promise and looked at the impacts to store traffic and sales. Assuming a correlation was there, the inventory would not be moved by the merchants, creating more availability in stores over time and continuing to drive store traffic for these items. Profitability increases in the online channel due to the slower delivery promise and overall profitability increases because of a higher mix of offline sales.
The complexity comes when we are looking at thousands of SKUs and inventory positions and competitive activity. No retailer can effectively manage this. Today the only variable that is monitored at scale is price and retailers are already using automated systems to crawl the web and react in real time to changes in price. Nobody is doing this as it relates to promising speed much less being able to react to it in a scalable way.
If you look at most retail sites today, they are not taking full advantage of dials provided in promising engines (if they are even using one) nor do they understand the relationship between them and specific SKU/category performance. Add to this the ability to do something about it at scale and you can understand the gap. Organizationally there are still headwinds here as well. Online and store teams may not have a shared P&L across channels and so demand-shaping tools like a delivery promise might not align with a specific channel's incentive. Supply chain data like labor cost, detailed carrier rate data, and multiple transit tables can be difficult to source and make available to promising and sourcing engines as well.
Not Another Dial Please!
These are the realities, yet promising and sourcing engines out there are still pushing features like candy to retailers. If you can set a dial—then the problem is solved! But if you have too many dials it becomes unmanageable and even unexplainable in some cases.
On the sourcing side, some are offering Machine Learning (ML) black boxes to solve this, but the rich data needed to make this effective is a huge journey you must take before it can become effective. In addition, the explainability features are missing to help retailers make the tweaks they need.
What if promising and sourcing engines started thinking less about dials and more about insights and experimentation? What if retailers are able to see the impacts of faster or slower promises across products through front-end A/B testing that was enabled by the promise and sourcing engines? So far AB testing has not enabled robust testing with supply chain data sets. What if they had the right promising conversion insights allowing them to iterate towards setting up different promises to drive overall profitable omnichannel sales?
What if they could do “what if” sourcing scenarios (model a new set of sourcing decisions against historical orders) so they could have more confidence in setting those dials?
What if they could augment certain elements of these decisions within that maturity journey to ML only when ready for it?
Insights and experimentation coupled with a more holistic approach to promising.
That’s modern promising.
A Better Way
An omnichannel promise engine should support a retailer on its journey through the promising maturity curve. Allow them to make an accurate network aware promise, ensure they can keep it, then optimize it with profitability controls. The large enterprise players offer most of this through dials and more dials.
We think there is a better path to get retailers moving down that path of an aggressive and accurate delivery promise. It’s not more dials. It’s more understanding and experimentation that is required. It’s a product approach that allows you to crawl, walk, run through the promise maturity curve.
Luckily for retailers considering this, one aspect of the promise equation has gotten easier and more accurate, while requiring less effort at the same time. This is a rare moment where we advocate moving to “run.” It’s called Predictive Promising. As discussed, most ML models regarding any kind of cost optimization involve having a very good understanding and access to quality cost data across the network.
With Predictive Promising, one aspect of three core issues (making an accurate promise, having it be profitable, and meet offline and online objectives) can be solved by an ML model that looks at historical shipping performance across a wide range of inputs and predicts what the EDD should be. And the good news here is that any modern retailer will have the data required to pull this off and likely see results that are 2 to 3 days faster than the earliest date of the shipping window they are giving today.
The model looks at a wide range of data from peak and non-peak periods. This would include the following:
- Past promises made at the order / order line level
- Order, shipping and delivery data
- Fulfillment KPI data
From here the model derives a transit time prediction, lead time prediction and fulfillment confidence prediction. These predictions look at the time of day, time of week, network utilization, item data, etc., to make the most informed prediction.
The model can then be enhanced across multiple factors:
- Rolling Windows
- Seasonality Extraction
- Recent Trends
- Rolling Windows
- Seasonality Extraction
- Recent Trends
- Item
- Fulfillment Location Attributes
- Order Attributes
- Item
- Fulfillment Location Attributes
- Order Attributes
- Transformations
- Aggregations
- Statistical Calculations
- Transformations
- Aggregations
- Statistical Calculations
- Holidays
- Weather
- Promotional Events
- Holidays
- Weather
- Promotional Events
Predictive Promising The First Step in Your Promising Journey
The work we’ve done with leading retailers with this ML model has shown the prediction is accurate above 99% of the time. More impressive, it typically shows 2 to 3 days improvement against your current promise. There is even more benefit in the areas of drop shipping where you are likely making very conservative promises. For one retailer we worked with, we saw a 6 day improvement in the predictive promise vs. the static one based on vendor contracts. Even more impressive though, it comes WITHOUT the heavy data analysis and setup required by most promising engines.
Using this process eliminates one of the large barriers in the market today to profitable promising and starts you down the journey of making an accurate promise. But of course, this predictive promise is a representation of current performance and doesn’t consider the profitability goals you have across your channels.
From here you’ll want to leverage the rest of our promise features to layer in these strategies.
In our opinion this should be done with a combination of features and the necessary explain ability and testability with them.

We’d Love to Talk to You
Omnichannel Promising is a huge opportunity that requires tooling, operating discipline, lots of data and insights to make it profitable.
You feel the need for speed, but you don’t want to bleed for it. We hear you. Come talk to us about a different approach to Omnichannel Promising.