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Getting to AI-Powered OMS Sourcing: The Crawl, Walk, Run Approach

Lost in the Labyrinth.

Traditional OMS Sourcing Leaves Retailers Stranded

At Nextuple, we have a unique perspective on Order Management System (OMS) sourcing. We’ve seen it all, from helping retailers implement traditional OMS packages to optimizing their sourcing rule sets across diverse industries like apparel, hard goods and luxury. Many of our engineers and architects come from large retailers who tackled these challenges at scale with complex optimization and heuristic solutions.

Retailers are increasingly leveraging store fulfillment to achieve multiple goals, including faster delivery times and better inventory utilization. However, this shift has significantly increased the complexity of order sourcing. On top of these considerations, retailers also need to factor in specific delivery date promises made across their sales channels when selecting the most suitable fulfillment nodes.

These combined factors have driven the development of various approaches to help retailers make optimal sourcing decisions in today’s market.

Common Sourcing Strategies

Simple Heuristics

Most Order Management Systems (OMS) offer basic rules like prioritizing proximity and minimizing shipments. While this approach offers simplicity, it sacrifices potential for better results. Many retailers find themselves stuck here, trading off ease-of-use for optimal fulfillment.

Cost-Based Optimizations

This method attempts to factor in various costs like processing, shipping, capacity, and inventory (expressed as penalties). However, there’s a catch: while these rules cover attributes of the sourcing decision, the values are typically limited in scope and can’t be easily adjusted to reflect new cost factors. For example, if you are trying to assign a cost that’s based on shipment distance, the vendor typically allows for one way of defining this when there are likely multiple ways to define the cost. This creates several challenges for retailers:

  • Balancing competing goals. If overall speed goals aren’t met, it’s difficult to adjust settings without impacting other key performance indicators (KPIs) negatively
  • Significant setup effort. Analyzing and setting penalties and costs requires considerable time and resources.

Optimization Algorithms

This approach attempts to address a major limitation by considering real-world costs alongside future events, like the likelihood of markdowns or potential out of stocks at physical stores. Machine learning models have been explored for this purpose, but they’ve often fallen short. We’ve interviewed stakeholders involved in these implementations and from these insights have thought through the proper inputs and features to make this successful in the future.

As sourcing approaches become more sophisticated, a critical set of principles emerges. These principles, often underconsidered in today’s market, become increasingly important with greater complexity.

Common Sourcing Strategies

01 Simple Heuristics

Most Order Management Systems (OMS) offer basic rules like prioritizing proximity and minimizing shipments. While this approach offers simplicity, it sacrifices potential for better results. Many retailers find themselves stuck here, trading off ease-of-use for optimal fulfillment.

02 Cost-Based Optimizations

This method attempts to factor in various costs like processing, shipping, capacity, and inventory (expressed as penalties). However, there’s a catch: while these rules cover attributes of the sourcing decision, the values are typically limited in scope and can’t be easily adjusted to reflect new cost factors. For example, if you are trying to assign a cost that’s based on shipment distance, the vendor typically allows for one way of defining this when there are likely multiple ways to define the cost. This creates several challenges for retailers:

  • Balancing competing goals. If overall speed goals aren’t met, it’s difficult to adjust settings without impacting other key performance indicators (KPIs) negatively.
  • Significant setup effort. Analyzing and setting penalties and costs requires considerable time and resources.

03 Optimization Algorithms

This approach attempts to address a major limitation by considering real-world costs alongside future events, like the likelihood of markdowns or potential out of stocks at physical stores. Machine learning models have been explored for this purpose, but they’ve often fallen short. We’ve interviewed stakeholders involved in these implementations and from these insights have thought through the proper inputs and features to make this successful in the future.

As sourcing approaches become more sophisticated, a critical set of principles emerges. These principles, often underconsidered in today’s market, become increasingly important with greater complexity.

Yellow icon with an inventory warehouse and gear illustration.

The Missing Pieces of Traditional OMS Order Sourcing

Icon representing explainability with a magnifying glass hovering over a box.


Retailers have no way to truly understand why the OMS system makes specific sourcing decisions. This involves a level of traceable data that most OMS providers do not expose to end users. Additionally, there is no way to connect the rule change to the outcomes achieved by it. Imagine trying to improve your average shipment zone but having no way to connect specific rule changes to the actual outcome. You see the overall zone decrease, but you can’t pinpoint which change caused it. This makes it difficult to understand the trade-offs involved in your adjustments.


Traditional OMS lacks crucial testing capabilities. There’s typically no way to simulate how a change, like prioritizing store proximity over capacity, would affect real-world orders with constantly fluctuating inventory levels. This testing is lacking both in simulated and real-world environments. Ideally, both capabilities are available. Simulation is valuable when considering more risky, large-scale changes or prepping for holiday scenarios. A/B testing is useful for validation of a particular cost or penalty setting change.

Icon representing testability with scientists in white coats standing in front of a screen that says test, learn and implement.

Icon representing connection to promising with a laptop and funnel being fed with promising and inventory data.

Connection to Promising

Many sourcing engines can consider promised delivery dates, but this can lead to inefficiencies and unnecessary costs. The issue? Delivery promises are often managed by separate systems with their own rule sets. Imagine the sourcing engine splits an order across three locations to meet an overly ambitious delivery promise. This complexity could be avoided if the sourcing decision itself informed the promised date. In this example, the system could slightly adjust the promise date to avoid the need for a split order, potentially saving on shipping costs. Unifying sourcing and promise rules would allow informed delivery estimates, leading to efficient and cost effective fulfillment.


Traditional OMS solutions offer siloed products for each sourcing approach (heuristics, cost-based optimization and optimization algorithms). Moving from basic rules to advanced models often requires purchasing entire feature modules, many of which may not be immediately needed. This rigidity forces retailers to remain in less efficient models for years, hindering long-term growth. We’ve even seen optimization products deliver minimal value compared to their cost.

Icon representing iteration with illustrations of a cave man turning into a civilized person turning into a robot.

Retailers Caught in Sourcing Blind Spots

Lost in translation

We partnered with a luxury retailer who was executing a robust ship-from-store program that had modeled a set of penalties and costs related to store capacity, inventory velocity, and proximity. Prior to our partnership, the legacy OMS vendor collaborated with the retailer for four months to calibrate the weight of each factor. The goal? To achieve optimal results in three key areas: minimizing average shipment distance, optimizing inventory utilization across stores, and ensuring a balanced distribution of orders.

However, after deployment, the retailer saw no improvement in these metrics. Even more frustrating, they couldn’t get clear answers from the legacy OMS vendor about why the system wasn’t performing as expected. While they had established the desired rules (penalties and costs), they lacked the ability to understand how adjustments to those rules would translate into real-world outcomes.

Chasing the Wrong Rabbit

A retailer with 900 stores and two distribution centers aimed to optimize fulfillment by balancing markdowns with shipment proximity. They implemented a complex strategy, but after launch, they saw no improvement in average shipment distance. Assuming their inventory buffer (safety stock) was causing the issue, they spent significant time investigating this path. Due to a lack of explainability in the system, the business team couldn’t see what was truly happening.

The algorithm in their legacy OMS, it turned out, was prioritizing markdowns. This led it to source from nodes with higher inventory levels, even if those locations weren’t necessarily closer to the stores. Without clear insights into the system’s decision-making process, the team chased the wrong root cause. Ultimately, frustrated by the lack of transparency, they abandoned the advanced strategy and reverted to a simpler set of rules. Without explainability, retailers are left guessing at the system’s logic, leading to wasted time, frustration, and ultimately, a retreat to less efficient approaches.

Bad Data Sinks the Algorithm Ship

We talked to another retailer who wanted to move to an optimization strategy focused on shipping costs. With 3,000 stores in play and multiple Distribution Centers (DC), the retailer needed to move from a complex set of “if-then” rules to a machine learning (ML) solution that would select the best node based on carrier cost.

However, the retailer ultimately shelved the solution for various reasons, some self-imposed. Firstly, the quality of the input data on carrier rates proved problematic. Once results started coming in, the retailer realized the algorithm was operating on faulty information. Secondly, the lack of explainability in the ML system created a trust issue. Stakeholders observed other cost metrics deviate from baseline levels, but without understanding the algorithm’s decision-making process, they couldn’t verify if these changes were positive or negative. Finally, the journey itself unveiled an unexpected challenge. The retailer discovered a limited understanding of their core fulfillment KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). This made it difficult to establish a clear baseline and accurately measure any potential improvements from the ML solution.

The complexity of change management surrounding the ML implementation proved far greater than anticipated and the project was tabled due to these combined challenges.

Many retailers today find themselves limited by their current approach to order sourcing. Retailers typically fall into one of three categories when it comes to sourcing strategies. Where does your business stand?

The Path Forward

Recognizing these limitations, Nextuple took a different approach when building its own set of sourcing tools. Our guiding principles are to empower you with complete transparency throughout the sourcing process. You’ll always understand the reasoning behind every decision made by the system. This clear visibility ensures you’re on a verifiable journey towards achieving the specific outcomes you desire for your business.

Nextuple’s Guiding Principles for Smart Sourcing

Icon representing roadmap to success with a map with a pin dropped in it.
Roadmap to Success

Modern sourcing tools shouldn't just react to your current state; they should guide you on a journey towards optimal decision-making. This process takes time, so the ideal solution needs to be flexible both functionally and commercially - to adapt alongside your evolving needs.

Icon representing promising and sourcing integration with one box stacked inside another.
Promising and Sourcing Integration

Our philosophy emphasizes a crucial connection that's often missing today: the link between promised delivery dates and sourcing decisions. A seamless integration between these elements ensures that your promises are realistic and achievable based on your actual sourcing capabilities.

Icon representing test, learn and optimize with a gear and rocketship.
Test, Learn, and Optimize

Evaluating the effectiveness of your chosen sourcing strategy is essential. Modern tools must provide a robust testing framework. This allows you to assess the impact of different rules and controls, enabling you to continuously refine your approach for maximum efficiency.

Icon representing the power of explainability with a magnifying glass hovering over a box.
The Power of Explainability

Transparency is key. The ideal sourcing tool should clearly explain how and why specific decisions are made. Explainability empowers you to understand the rationale behind each choice, allowing for further optimization based on your goals.

Building Better Sourcing: Our Core Principles Explained

Nextuple designed its guiding principles to empower you. We’ll explore how these principles provide clear visibility into your sourcing decisions, verifiable results for your chosen strategies, and the control needed to optimize your fulfillment journey for maximum efficiency.


Roadmap to success

Beyond simple ranking based optimizations such as node priority, proximity and split reduction, retailers look to any modern sourcing engine to have a next level of optimizations. And at the heart of any sourcing decision is a set of costs and penalties. Our sourcing engine takes a different approach to these inputs. Let’s discuss the cost side first.

Cost DefinitionBox and dollar symbol icon.

Traditional sourcing tools often get stuck with predefined cost sets, like shipping and processing fees. While these may seem convenient at first, they struggle to adapt to the ever-changing world of logistics and fulfillment. New carrier models and innovative local distribution strategies constantly emerge, introducing new cost structures that predefined sets can’t handle. For example, new local carrier models may have new or different costs the sourcing engine should consider like cost per stop vs. cost per package. A retailer may wish to define the holding cost of an item in addition to processing cost and the way these costs are assessed by 3PL’s may be different. As more innovative approaches to local distribution evolve you need an application that will grow with it. This further means that when new costs are required, there is typically a feature request or customization effort to add it.

In addition, these costs may or may not be on actuals. Because the cost in traditional approaches is simply a user input, while it is expressed in cost, it can be a proxy for a set of actual costs being tracked elsewhere. Our approach is to source the actual data so these costs represent real costs to the retailer. While proxy costs may seem easier to manage, having a data source representing real costs forces the discipline of the business to ensure these costs are accurate and have a business process to stay updated. Ultimately you want the decision making of your sourcing engine to be as close to what the accounting team is going to use when they produce monthly P&L. Where we see this typically breakdown is in carrier rates. Retailers will model a set of carrier costs based on two attributes like weight and zone. Meanwhile there is a more complex set of rate tables that governs the actual contract that includes dimensional weight, minimums, surcharges and accessorial costs.

- Nextuple approaches cost definition in an entirely different way.

Costing always begins with data. While we offer multiple standard costs, all of these are enabled through a two-step process. The first step is acquisition of data fields that represent the costs. For example, for a given type of carrier service you may have four data fields such as item weight, zone of shipment, service level, and peak vs non-peak. Once these pieces of data are set up, how you define the costs are up to you. In our approach, this is the only development effort required. Once the data type is defined, it can used in any number of ways to define cost without development.

For example, the cost structure for item processing at nodes may be formulated on weight ranges and if the item is conveyable and if the store node has a full backroom operation. But let’s say you add in the capability to do gifting, and this becomes a new element in the processing cost formula. With our sourcing engine, the addition of data type “gift service” is the only thing you’ll need to code. How the cost is formulated with this new capability is handled through user configurations.

Diagram highlighting Nextuple's two step, code and then no code whereas competitors are only code.

The formulation of penalties follows the exact same construct. Again, here we recommend using real world penalties costs vs proxies.

Penalty EstimationMegaphone and dollar sign icon.

The standard approach to penalty estimation has been to allow retailers to attach penalty “costs” associated with other factors in the sourcing process such as capacity utilization, markdown avoidance, possible SLA miss or node performance. The retailer again must pick from a set of penalties and attach a proxy value associated with this penalty. For example, if a node is out of capacity a processing cost penalty of $500 might be added to the total cost of processing forcing the sourcing engine to avoid that node for selection. However, there are usually more factors involved in this decision. For example, what is the item type? The capacity penalty for small conveyable items is not equal to a large ship alone item. In addition, our approach is to model the real world incurred “Cost” of the decision. With our solution, we allow retailers to define multiple penalty types and define the attributes that are required to formulate the penalty. For example, going back to capacity the following approach could be used.

Typically, node capacity is planned over a horizon for days (say 2 to 3 months). The capacity is planned demand backwards. Since the capacity is sunk cost, sourcing optimization should be able to apply a penalty when actual capacity consumption is deviating away from planned capacity. Example: If a store’s N+1st day capacity is consumed, that indirectly means Nth day planned capacity of another store is wasted (100% wasted). Also using up N+2nd day capacity of a store means Nth & N+1st day capacity is wasted (200% wasted). The penalty is modeled as markup percentage on outbound processing costs.

Complex table illustrating penalty estimations.

With a combination of real-world costs and penalties, the ability to add new ones or change definitions of existing ones, you will have a full set of tools to make a more informed sourcing decision.

What this also does is ready you for the next step in journey. As you begin to think about AI/ML to solve these problems - Any ML model you choose to deploy will require a quality set of data. By forcing you to get the data right in step one you’ll have far more confidence in deploying one of our models.

ML Models to Enhance Sourcing OutcomesBrain and node icon

With the rise of more specific Estimated Delivery Dates (EDD) in the marketplace, retailers have a real opportunity to enhance the profitability of these promises in a far more connected way than currently available in the market. Instead of making a set of promises based fixed network data, these promises can be influenced by the downstream data and profitability goals. In addition, the impact of EDD’s and inventory availability at the store level displayed further up the shopping funnel can impact both online and offline conversion. A fully profitable promise looks at both channel sales goals of a retailer.

Walk in Reserve ModelPerson pointing to a box icon.

While retailers have been using safety stock as a way to protect some store inventory and deal with inventory accuracy issues – this model looks at offline and online sales data by fulfillment type and then predicts the needed quantity at the SKU/node to protect walk in traffic sales that day. This is not a binary “store off/store on” but rather a penalty-based input to the sourcing decision. This model can look at replenishment schedules, promotional or seasonal inputs as well.

Profitable Promise ModelBar graph pointing up

This model seeks to strike a balance between a fast and accurate EDD and the retailers profitability goals. The model seeks to optimize on gross profit margin at a cart level.

The sourcing logic will optimize for gross profit and decide the node and further to promise the EDD based on the decided node. The gross profit optimization can also be used to operate some levers to improve conversion such as shipping upgrades and discounting for ship charge.

This gross profit is defined as:

The gross profit defined as an equation. Sum of item level revenue plus the ship charge minus the cost of goods sold multiplied by the sum of outbound plus ship cost plus buying cost.

The model looks at several factors such as item, discounts, type of traffic, customer profile, time of day, payment option, etc. and then attempts to predict the conversion probability. From here the levers can be shipping discounts, shipping upgrades (faster EDD) all while considering a minimum gross profit threshold at the cart level.

From there this model can be enhanced with markdown optimization goals and offline vs online sales goals. Our goal is to provide a framework for enabling these ML models as components when you are ready with the data as an “and” not an “or” approach. Of course, the testing framework is there to assist you as you mature.

Promise Miss Model

The third model looks at impacts of a carrier or node “miss” on the promise. Our sourcing engine works in conjunction with our promising service that leverages a predictive EDD ML model to generate EDD’s. For more information on our promising microservice, please visit These EDDs are based on real world network performance vs static configuration lead times. Inside this model we also produce a confidence score of hitting the promise which is then used by this model as a penalty factor.

By combining attributes about the item, the customer, promotional events, combined with the likelihood of a promise miss and its impact on lifetime value of the customer we can create a penalty for the nodes likely to miss the promise.

Promising tuple is comprised of promise, inventory, sourcing and capacity.
Guiding Principle #2

Promising and Sourcing Integration

If it’s not obvious by now, we believe in an integrated approach to promising and sourcing. We understand retailer’s need to make fast, scalable promises up the shopping funnel on product detail pages or even search list results. But these promises should not operate from a different set of rules than the sourcing engine and just fed as a constraint to the sourcing engine. Rather, we see the sourcing engine as an influencer to the promises provided on the sales channel and then a final decision maker when the time comes for sourcing to execute. This might mean one type of EDD promising at the PLP level where a restricted set of solutions are evaluated and another type of cart level EDD promising where more solutions can be evaluated.

As the importance of EDD’s rises in the overall conversion equation, these EDD’s should be far more intelligent than they are today. At Nextuple our promising engine is our sourcing engine. They were technically designed to accomplish scaled promising (sub-second EDD’s) while providing a set of profitable EDD’s influenced by the downstream network goals and capabilities.

Every retailer is at a different stage in this journey. Perhaps you want to keep these two components separated for business or technical reasons? Our architecture supports either path.

Two pieces of data being fed into a funnel producing an estimated delivery date.
Guiding Principle #3

Test, Learn, and Optimize

If penalty and cost estimation were not hard enough, today’s solutions have no framework for controlled testing of these changes. Retailers must deploy the changes across a full set of orders and the only mitigation strategy they have is to deploy changes at lower volume times. Of course, this many times defeats the purpose because sourcing decisions don’t really get challenging until there are constraints such as capacity and inventory.

We believe a retailer should have a far better tool kit in this domain, which is why we offer two different approaches for testing configuration changes.


The ability to replay a set of orders against a new set of sourcing rules is available when larger changes are being considered such as peak routing rules. Our simulation engine starts with an inventory snapshot from stores and DC’s and runs the order history through the new rules you’ve configured—while keeping track of its inventory allocation throughout the simulation.

The only delta from reality is any intraday supply changes. Paired with historical POS demand the simulation will have a high fidelity view of online and offline demand through the day. Once complete the simulation will be able to read out key changes in capacity utilization, average zone, splits, and cost to serve.

Bar chart highlighting hypothetical improvements after simulations.

A/B Testing

For years, eCommerce frontend teams have been using A/B testing to execute controlled tests on user groups to validate hypothesis. The OMS domain has unique constraints such as inventory and capacity that make A/B testing more challenging, but we still believe this is viable strategy to test smaller changes in sourcing rules.

Our sourcing engine allows you to direct a certain percentage of the sourcing calls into a control version of the rules and your test version. This can be set to run for a period of time where the engine will revert back to the control settings. From here we provide key insights between the order groups through the sourcing dashboard. With A/B testing, we give retailers the missing confidence building that sourcing engines lack today.

Graphic showing what goes into A/B testing, including penalty predictions and cost definitions.
Guiding Principle #4

The Power of Explainability

Lastly, any sourcing engine needs full explainability to give users confidence in the solution and help troubleshoot any issues. This should not require data exports or purchase of extra data storage to accomplish.

All our sourcing and promise decisions are backed by an intuitive UI to dig deeper into the options considered, why the final decision was made and how it impacts the various metrics. It is also powered by a Gen AI chatbot to answer any questions you have on the sourcing decision in natural language.

For every decision we’ll provide a full read out of what rules where used, what was the inventory picture at the time of the decision, what top nodes were considered and full breakdown of the costs evaluated.

You’ll also have the ability to look at promises made for cart sessions that never materialized into orders. All this explainability is available for any ML based decision as well. We’ll provide the major factors that were used in creating the sourcing decisions.

Screenshot of the user interface for sourcing data.

Master the Art of Sourcing

The past decade of Order Management Systems (OMS) has provided valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of modern sourcing. Nextuple leverages these lessons, combining explainability, testability, and a comprehensive toolkit that empowers you to navigate from basic rules to advanced machine learning optimizations. Built upon a foundation of composable microservices, Nextuple offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability.

Stop wondering, “what did my sourcing engine do?” Nextuple empowers you with clear explanations, a robust testing framework, and the tools to unlock every bit of efficiency and speed your network has to offer.

Group of friendly, smiling business people.

We’d Love To Talk To You

OMNI Channel promising is a huge opportunity that requires tooling, operating discipline, lots of data and insights to make it profitable.

You feel the need for speed, but you don’t want to bleed for it. We hear you. Come talk to us about a different approach to OMNI channel promising.